How Website Retargeting / Remarketing Works ?

For those who don’t know the term “retargeting” let me explain you that first. You can show ads to people who have already visited your website or a landing page through a retargeting ad.

✔️ Interesting, isn’t it?

Retargeting Customers

 ➡️If you are an e-commerce store you can target people who visited your product pages or fill their cart but didn’t make a purchase.

➡️Sometimes people leave the site because something unexpected came up and then they forget to return later. One can show ads to them and may get a conversion.

➡️Through retargeting one can present an offer ad specifically for people who have visited your site. 


✔️Now if one go too far it can get creepy as well. Because it is possible that visitor to your website didn’t return because they are not interested in your product/service but you show them ads regularly through retargeting.

This situation can be creepy otherwise retargeting is very effective and has shown positive results as well.🀘🏻

How does retargeting works for you? Comment Below 
